About Us

Revolutionizing the way students approach learning and exam prep in India with a fresh take on textbooks and study guides.
At Almond Books, we're committed to keeping the fire of innovation burning bright in the world of education. From concept to publication, each of our books undergoes a rigorous process of planning, creation, and refinement to ensure that it has the power to revolutionise the way students learn and teachers teach. Whether you're a student seeking new insights or a teacher looking for fresh approaches, Almond Books has something for you.
At the heart of our team are passionate educators, industry experts, and experienced teachers who are dedicated to transforming traditional textbooks and study guides. We know that education is a continuous journey, and that's why we craft comprehensive resources that students can use throughout the academic year to achieve their goals. Our team is committed to helping students succeed and reach their full potential, no matter where they are on their educational journey.
It all started in 2013 with Exam18, a company that was founded with the goal of empowering students to easily master any subject. In just three short years, we had developed over 50 titles for exam preparation. But we wanted to do more, and so in 2022, we rebranded as Almond Books to reflect our expanded mission.
Now, our talented team works together to create books that cater to the needs of all students, not just the top performers. We believe that everyone has the potential to succeed, and it's our mission to provide students with the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential.

We deliver results.
Every book is designed to help students learn concepts and prepare not just for exams, but for life.
A major emphasis is placed on helping students improve their cognitive abilities and learn how to think
Students practice for success with specially curated questions and comprehensive answers.
Almond Books for Teachers
Enhancing student engagement
in the classroom
in the classroom
At Almond Books, we believe that every teacher deserves the resources they need to make their lessons dynamic and engaging. That's why we work tirelessly to provide print and digital materials to teachers in India who are passionate about enhancing their teaching methods.
But we can't do it alone. We need more educators to join us in this collaborative effort to bring new and exciting resources to classrooms everywhere. Together, we can overcome the challenges that teachers often face due to a lack of resources and create a brighter future for all students.